Check, Check: Creating An Environment of Care for Student Veterans and Military-Connected Families
Keynote | Workshop | Virtual
In military culture, a Radio Check is an important process. When a service member wants to be certain they can transmit information and be heard, they will put out a call. It goes something like this:
“(Call-sign), Radio Check, over…”
If heard, another service member will respond:
“(Call-sign), Radio Check, Loud & Clear, over…”
Communication on the battlefield is essential. The Radio Check is a simple process on the surface, but one that is necessary for the well-being of all involved. It’s both a statement and a question; an assurance one is heard and understood.
All too often when student veterans and those in their families return to civilian life, they lose a sense of familiarity and protocol. There is no “radio check” in their daily lives to ensure they are being heard and understood. In fact, quite the opposite is often true. We know veterans and their families often hurt in silence.
It’s time for a Radio Check.
In this signature program from Chris Molina, former Sergeant in the United State Marine Corps, introduces a way in which those who work with student veterans and military families can demonstrate a commitment of care. Through practical strategies and examples of common communication breakdowns, Chris will model how, when, and most-importantly why you should be checking on those who served.
Audience members will…
Be introduced to the concept of a Radio Check and its applications to student veterans and military-connected families.
Consider ways in which those who work with student veterans and military-connected families can develop a form of Radio Check in their daily interactions.
Practice, through examples and applicable strategies, ways in which we can develop a better culture of care for student veterans and military-connected families using a check-in process.
Ideal Audiences
Student Veteran Support
Professional Development